Do any of you ever find yourself in ruts... like every so many months... or is it just me?! I don't know how to adequately explain it but I find that I am usually in this funk for a week or so! Sometimes I think it's just a severe case of PMS and other times I contemplate that it could be more! More often than not I think I'm the only one who suffers from this and I'll probably be the only person to openly talk about it or admit it! However, if you've been following me for awhile, blogging about my difficulties and low points isn't something I shy away from! My blog is about me, all of me, even the not so fun me!
When I get into these funks or ruts it's probably best that I don't step foot out of the house. People in public irritate me to no end, the littlest thing, like my hubby not unloading the dishwasher when I ask, sets me off, I'd rather sleep than do ANYTHING else even if I have piles of laundry to wash and fold, career advancements to handle, or events to attend! I just find myself to be really anti-social and a "debbie downer" when I'm feeling this way!
I know in a few days it will pass. I'll be back to organizing and cleaning the house, back to not wanting to ram my car into the jerkoff who cuts me of in rush hour traffic, back to enjoying conversations and talking peoples ears off, and back to being myself! I just wish I knew exactly what causes it! Maybe this post will be the start of actually keeping track of these funks and lead me to some answers!
Here's to hoping this Monday offers some improvements on my mood! Thinking positive thoughts lead to a positive mood and life right?! Happy Monday my dear fans! Thank-you for reading and listening! And please feel free to share if any of you suffer from Every Few Month Ruts - it'll make me feel somewhat normal!

I suffer from falling in the "rut" too! I'm in one now. Whomp whomp!
ReplyDeleteCheers to getting out quickly
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ReplyDeleteI find I get in funks like these right after the holidays, when the weather is especially cold and the possibility of swim suits and sandals is several months away :-( I definitely suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, which made growing up in New England very difficult around this time of year. My mom always had to ship me off to my grandmother's in Florida for a week in February to pull me out of my seasonal depression. This may be what you have as well. Try to find some extra money and go on a long weekend excursion to the Carolinas or Florida to soak up some sun! You'll feel better having a fun weekend away to look forward to as well!
ReplyDeletei think those ruts are a way of slowing us down. I definitely get into this moods sometimes and most of the time because i am doing too much and need a break...some me time. maybe that will help? hope you feel better
ReplyDeleteWe all go through this stuff girl! I've been in a little funk myself since the week of Christmas. AKA that led to me eating everything in sight and now feeling like a chubby bloated mess. Ugh! This too shall pass! Hang in there honey! Hugs!
ReplyDeleteI know exactly how you are feeling. I made my self go to church yesterday to make myself look outside of just what is going on in my mind. I am trying to think more positive and be the happy person I am known for. Keep on smiling and push through... spring will be here soon!
ReplyDeleteBeen there girl! I starting reading this little book called "don't sweat the small stuff", and it truly puts the whack stuff that we can upset about in perspective. But your not alone ;)
ReplyDeleteKeep smiling my friend, we all get into ruts, hang on and it will pass! The fact that you remember to count your blessings means you're in good shape:) PS I love that you're honest about it, so refreshing;)