Monday, November 23, 2009

Releasing my Inner Teen!

My 25th birthday is in less than a month and I could not be more scared to reach a quarter of a century! Considering how "adult" I am and have to be, it is nice to release the inner teenager I sometimes wish I still could be! Twilight and the whole saga is a fabulous way for any woman to connect with her younger soul!

I never knew about Twilight until about a year and a half ago. It was late summer and I was driving in my car making a sales call (for my old job) when I heard Ryan Seacrest on one of our local radio stations, 94.9 The Point to be exact, asking readers to call in with their favorite parts of the book. I had NO idea what they were talking about and changed the station. About 2 months later I started to hear about it non-stop! I was not into the whole Vampire thing or Sci-fi stuff for that matter so I, once again, dismissed this craze! One evening as the boyfriend and I were grocery shopping in Wal-Mart, I was browsing the book section, looking for a new read when I saw the Twilight book was on sale for $6.00! Interested a bit about what the nonsense was all about I decided to buy it and low and behold COULD NOT put it down that night! I immediately went and bought the 2nd book New Moon the next evening! For the next too weeks I threw myself into the books, reading them whenever I had a free moment. I would end up staying up till 3 in the morning reading because I wanted to know what would happen next! My boyfriend thought I was a total nutcase!

I saw the movie Twilight twice and pre-ordered it when it came out on DVD. I ordered my ticket for the midnight showing a month 1/2 in advance for New Moon so I wouldn't have to deal with long lines and sold out shows! I just could not wait to see the next installment of such a dramatic love story!

I wore my "I <3 Boys Who Sparkle" shirt (which my boyfriend said I was a total dork for wearing), cried during the saddest scenes between Bella and Edward, admired Taylor Lautner's delicious bod, and left the theater in total anticipation for the 3rd movie! I have even decided to re-read New Moon, only because I felt that I could not remember certain parts! Needless to say I am a fan! I hope that everyone who is a fan was able to see the movie and enjoyed it as much as I did. Considering I will be a college graduate by the time Eclipse premiers, I will have time to plan the ultimate Twilight party with all my fellow fans! Expect invitations in the late spring! It will be another rare chance to release my inner teen!!!

I'll always be Team Edward... you can't fight what is meant to be!!

Ohhhhhh Yummm!

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