Monday, February 4, 2013

New Month = New Goals - February 2013 Mini Goals

 With a new month comes a new set of goals! Some are repeated from the previous month, especially if I did not do well at accomplishing certain ones. Listing these out 10 at a time are much easier for me to work through and putting them in print allows my readers to hold me accountable! Who wants to fail at 10 goals? Not me! Check out what I am hoping to accomplish this LOVELY month of February!


1. Purge and Organize the house, one room at a time. Donate all to Goodwill. This is a repeat of last month! Our home is in serious need of purging and organization! I am almost willing to take photos of our disaster of a home and show you just how bad it really is, if I could ever get over the embarrassment!

2. Finish reconstructing resume. I would like to have this accomplished by the end of the month so I can really start applying to new careers! I have some serious career goals and I want to reach them within the next year, if possible! Without the reconstructed resume I don't see myself moving anytime soon!

3. Schedule actual planned date nights with the hubby! I hate saying "schedule" since it sounds like we have to fit in time or dates with each other! When I say schedule I mean, just plan fun date nights whether it's ice skating, or bowling, or even a picnic on the living room floor! Just make date nights different and not the typical dinner and a movie date!

4. Book our June trip to Jamaica. This is a MUST! I mean there are no if, ands, or buts about it! I hope to accomplish this, this week!

5. Have at least one girls night with any or all of my gal pals. I could probably count on one hand how many trustworthy girlfriends I have. However, the majority of the gals on that one hand live about 30 minutes away! Some have children which takes up much of their time! I also lead a hectic life too so getting together is more difficult than I would like it to be! These gals are important to me and I really want to make an effort to spend more time with them! I am a firm believer that family comes first {the reason why I do spend so much time with Todd and our families} but friends are important in ones life too and I need to make sure they know they are important to me.

6. Arrive on time to work, every morning! This is something that needs continual work! Out of 20 days in January I made it on time nine of those days! That is REALLY good for me if you know my track record with getting to work on time!

7. Save my bonus and then some to purchase a long coveted luxury item I have been eyeing for a few years! I will be receiving a bonus this month that I've known about it for a few weeks now. Because I have known about it I've been thinking about what to do with it! I could save it yes, but I could also treat myself to a rewarding gift. I've planned to put it to the side and save a bit more and hopefully splurge on an item I've been eyeing for a few years! If/when I purchase it, I have no doubt I will share it with you! Until then... mum is the word.

8. Stop expecting so much out of others. I know that if I stop expecting so much from others I would save myself a lot of disappointment. I'm at the point in my life where I can tell who is there and who is not. If I don't expect anything from you I can no longer be upset by your actions or lack there of! Once I accept that some people are a waste of my time and energy, the better off I will be.

9. Stay off the phone and computer on evenings we are both home. As great as technology can be, it can also be a huge distraction in relationships! How can you connect with one another when you're constantly looking at your phone or scrolling away on the computer! It really does inhibit communication when you can't put it to the side or turn it off for a few hours! I know our relationship will thank us for it! Time to unplug and truly focus on conversation with one another. Now if only I could get us away from dinner in front of the television!

10. Leave more "honey do" lists to relieve myself of some responsibilities. I am SO bad at putting everything on my plate and not delegating tasks for the hubby to handle. I have the mindset that I can do it all, when in reality, I NEED help! I have to learn that my husband is here to help me, however he can't help me if he doesn't know what I need help with! He can't read my mind as much as I wish he could! ha! I need to try harder at giving him more responsibilities with things around the house whether it's, chores, upkeep, finances, etc. When kids are thrown into the mix, I know, no matter how hard I try, I won't be able to "do it all" so I might as well help myself now to avoid a mess in the future!

What do y'all think of monthly goals?! Are any of you striving to accomplish some things this month?! You know I'm always eager to hear what y'all are up too!!! I do also hope you all are recovering well from a fantastic Super Bowl Sunday!! Come back tomorrow if you'd like to see my favorite Game Day commercials! XoXo!


  1. I love your entire list. I definitely need to stop expecting so much of others. (Friends, mainly)

    Jamaica? Can I come?

    Unplugging when the hubs is home is so important, yet my husband uses it as his way to relax at night. But if I comment on him being on his phone, he'll put it away. Give and take. ;)

    Good luck with your goals! Too bad you don't live in nova so we could meet up!

  2. We went to Jamaica two years ago. You'll have a blast!

    Good luck with your goals and have a great week!

  3. Great goals! We need to purge as well!!! I just told some of my girlfriends that I want to make more time to get together! It's so hard but we'll never get these days back...:)

  4. I completely agree with the honey do lists. I am going to start one pronto before I have a mental breakdown. Or a beatdown. haha!
